Residential and Large Lot Residential Land Use Strategy
The Residential and Large Lot Residential (Land Use) Strategy was developed to give both Council and the community clear direction and certainty
regarding where R5 Large Lot Residential Land should be located and how much large lot residential land should be identified. Additionally,
the 2018 Strategy included the identification of R1 Residential Land opportunities.
The Strategy is supported by a number of Maps which earmark future tracts of land for residential and large lot residential development and prioritises
them into short, medium and long term timeframes for development. The strategy was adopted by Council in August 2018 and endorsed by the Department
of Planning and Environment in October 2018.
The 2018 Strategy’s key principles are as follows:
- Agriculture: Minimise impact on high quality agricultural lands by avoiding fragmented pockets of Zone R5 land throughout
rural areas, attempting to expand existing Zone R5 areas (where appropriate) in close proximity to urban lands and on existing fragmented
lot patterns, promoting efficient lot sizes that utilise existing infrastructure, and promoting buffers to existing and future agriculture.
- Flooding: Focus new large lot residential areas outside of flood prone lands (particularly to the south-east and north-east
of Narromine) and away from the river and cowals to improve the chance of subdivision proceeding, reduce development cost, and comply with
state flood policies (without precluding the development of flood prone lands where appropriate).
- Prioritise Less Constrained Lands: Council should seek to facilitate less constrained lands by adopting the analysis in this
Strategy and approaching owners of ‘preferred’ lands rather than allowing any owner to nominate sites. This does not preclude other sites
from seeking a rezoning if preferred sites are not being put forward and constraints can be addressed.
- Lot Size: Seek to provide a mix of lot sizes to meet a range of demands including small lots down to 1-2 hectares that promote
efficient utilisation of land and infrastructure up to larger 10-20 hectare lots. Seek to reduce lot size in some existing areas (outside
the flood prone areas) to more efficiently use that land and promote investment in road and servicing upgrades.
- Future Growth: Modify the previous recommendations set out in the 2009 Strategy and 2013 Strategy for large lot residential
growth as set out in this Strategy Update 2018.
The Strategy with supporting Maps can be downloaded by clicking the links below: